You Belong

At the CCFMC, we build relationships that encourage and challenge one another to help us grow and develop, to be the person God has created us to be.

“You’re My People, I’m Your People”


Church Memberships

Our goal is to offer church memberships once a year. Our membership classes happen annually, where you can learn more about the bible and your faith. Membership helps you not only connect with others more deeply, but also more strongly with yourself and your beliefs.


Why should I officially join a church?

This is the most common question when it comes to church membership. People don’t often see the value and benefit in joining a church congregation, or even know what it can offer. 

Membership is a reflection upon the principle of “You’re my people, I’m your people.” When you look at when membership first came to be in the New Testament, people were starting fresh, and contributed to the church in an effort to start something new. 

Membership is a calling back to that covenant relationship between the people and the church; to be an active, contributing member of the congregation. Think of the church as a body, and of every person as a part of that body that makes it function. When people choose to not participate in the church community, and instead just attend the services to soak in the sermons, they miss out on being a core, functioning part of the church body. Becoming a member of the church is saying, “I’m ALL in”!

From there, membership is about learning about God, the history of the church, and what your spiritual gifts are - and using those gifts to help out the church and contribute to its community. It is about making the choice to commit to your spiritual journey in this faith community.

After service, if you feel like you belong and wish to join the church, have a chat with Pastor Kim about how you can go about that process and where you can contribute. She’s very involved in keeping up with new visitors, so if you have been visiting for a few weeks, don’t be surprised if she approaches you to get to know you and talk about next steps. It can be a simple chat in the church foyer, or you can go out for a coffee or meal together to chat about all of the opportunities available to you or your family.

If you are interested in being a member of the church, please contact us for further details for when the next membership session will take place. 


Built on Care & Friendship

New families often have questions about the community when they first come to the church. Our community is built on care and friendship, with plenty of people to talk to and connect with. There are older parents to go to for wisdom, and younger parents to connect with as well. Parents often get so well acquainted that sometimes, they organize play dates for their kids during church gathering times!

Our church life is all about celebration, and about being there for one another when life is great or not so great.


Happenings at CCFMC

  • Baptism is a sacrament that we celebrate together. Sacrament is a “churchey” word, but a sacrament is something that Jesus did Himself and then told His followers to do, too. Jesus was baptized and He tells His followers to baptize others as well.

    The kind of baptism that Jesus partook in was with water, and at our church, we use water in baptism as well to reflect His sacrament. We baptize infants, kids, teens and adults. If you are debating about whether or not to get baptized, think of it as an expression of your love for Jesus after you said ‘’yes’ to Him. Baptism is a natural next step in your faith journey, and it's treated as a big celebration with the church family. Overall, baptism is an expression of your faith.

    Before the baptism, the baptismal candidate will (or the parents, if the one being baptized is an infant) meet with the pastor a few times, and there are questions answered to make sure everyone understands the process. If the candidate is older, they think about and write their story: what Jesus means to them, and how they got to this point in their journey. It's a really big deal! An important distinction is that baptism doesn't save us; Jesus saves us.

    We also offer infant/child dedication. This is very similar to infant baptism, but without the water. Pastor Kim would meet with the parents to explain the similarities and differences and help in making the best decision for your family.

  • We provide both wedding and funeral services. If you find that our church isn’t big enough for your event, there is a facility just four minutes up the road where you can hold larger gatherings. Usually, people find that for funerals, the church hall in the basement is large enough for a luncheon.

    You can contact Pastor Kim directly for these events.

  • We are currently a small, traditional worship team. We have many who love to participate, including children- who always bring joy with their participation.

    As we continue to grow and develop, we have dreams to expand as people continue to share their musical gifts with us!

  • Our Stewards Committee excels at these!

    To us, eating together is a natural thing that gathers us together and helps us connect, which is why we have them regularly. Our rural community has some fantastic cooks, and bakers and at-home chefs alike love to participate! Take a look at our events page to keep updated on any upcoming gatherings or changes.

  • There are always opportunities to volunteer. Most of what the church does happens through volunteers. For our church to continue to act on our mission, we need new ideas! And for those ideas to come to fruition, we need volunteers to help us think, dream, and then execute those dreams. The sky's the limit!

    If you aren’t sure about your strengths or where you might want to help out, don’t let that discourage you from volunteering! The church is active and alive when everyone volunteers in some way. Some people know where their gifts, strengths, and interests are, while others aren’t sure at first. Take the opportunity to chat with Pastor Kim and inquire about volunteering, and you can have a conversation about your interests and together, with God’s help, decide where you can help out in the church.

  • In the corner of the main foyer, we have a mini-library! It has a good selection of reading material of Christian literature, devotional books, and bible studies. We have an honour system in place, where you put your name down and date when you check a book in and out. We’re quite proud of our little reading selection, and we encourage you to check it out.